varicose veins cream | womdee
250.00 EGP Original price was: 250.00 EGP.200.00 EGPCurrent price is: 200.00 EGP.
- Production of womdee co.
- Herbal healing ointment.
- For the treatment of varicose veins, and veins inflammation “Angiitis”.
- For Legs healthcare.
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Best varicose veins cream| varicose veins treatment
Varicose veins are also called spider veins, our veins are the vessels that deliver the blood to our heart. They have valves preventing the blood from going both ways, sometimes these valves are weak or damaged, in this case, the blood can return and accumulate causing the varicose veins. Some times it is partially inherited, if you have a family history, Obesity, pregnancy, older age and long time standing up are from the factors contributing with varicose veins. They can be clear under your skin, swollen, twisted veins. Mostly, a physical examination can tell you the diagnosis.
If you have varicose veins|spider veins this herbal ointment will help you out in many ways.
Best varicose veins cream| spider veins best removal
- It helps in making your veins walls stronger.
- It reduces inflammation.
- Varicose veins herbal cream reduces the pain caused by the inflammation.
- It helps out in discoloring of the varicose veins, which are really clear under the skin.
- Varicose veins cream also, helps to activate the circulation to avoid the blood accumulation.
- It improves the skin because it has collagen, to tighten the skin and improves its tone.
- This cream is specially developed to improve skin tone, minimize varicose veins and broom swollen veins and moisturize all at the same time.
- Also, suitable for the people who stand up long times, or make hard physical effort on daily basis.
- Also, if your job keep standing up for long times, you can use this cream as precaution action to avoid having varicose veins, as it stimulates the circulation and decreases the pain.
- Also, to help yourself getting rid off the pain, you should not keeping standing for long times, and avoid high heels.
- At the time of rest, you should lift you legs in a straight comfortable position.
- Do not cross your legs when sitting down.
How to use varicose veins cream:
- Keep a clean dry area and apply 2 to 4 times daily.
Further instructions
- Keep out of reach of children
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