Turbo slim capsules majestic for slimming body and fat burning – 36 capsules

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 675.00 EGP.Current price is: 495.00 EGP.

  • Turbo slim capsules majestic are used as fat burner.
  • Feel full and reduce sugar craving which helps you to lose weight.
  • Help you fight the stubborn accumulated fats.
  • Help to get rid of the problems you face due to obesity.
  • Brand: Majestic.
  • Package content: 36 capsules.
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Turbo slim capsules majestic are the best seller due to their super-perfect effect on weight loss and appetite suppression. It is made of natural derivatives of plant-based ingredients to assure a safe way to burn fat and get rid of all weight problems with no side effects.

Turbo slim capsules price in Egypt 2025

At Beauty Expert, Turbo slim capsules majestic is available for purchase for just 495 EGP per packet.

Fat burning supplements benefits

  • Turbo slim capsules majestic come in a metal box for effective slimming and weight loss.
  • Helps in burning the extra calories and the accumulated fats elimination.
  • Makes you lose many kilograms in a short period.
  • Help to lose weight and make you change your mind about the weight loss process.
  • Increase metabolism process, metabolism is the process of breaking down food and producing energy.
  • Help in burning more calories in the body.
  • Maintain fluid balance in the body to keep the normal blood pressure.
  • Improves health by providing the body with valuable nutritional elements.
  • Blocks the body’s ability to build fats and maintains normal sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Helps to suppress appetite and provide fullness feeling, it also reduces sugar craving.
Turbo slim capsules majestic for slimming body

Turbo slim capsules majestic for slimming body

Turbo slim ingredients

Main ingredients:

  • Chromium.
  • Green tea extract.
  • Green coffee extract.

Other ingredients:

  • Garcinia Cambogia extract.
  • Sodium
  • Sweet potato compound.
  • Turmeric extract.
  • Guarana herb. 
  • Senna extract.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Marine algae extract.
Turbo slim capsules majestic ingredients

Turbo slim capsules majestic ingredients

How to use Turbo slim capsules majestic

  • Take one capsule daily, 30min prior to breakfast.
  • Make sure to drink lots of water during the day for maximum results.

You may also like Original natural tea turbo slim for natural weight loss – 30 tea bags

Turbo Slim side effects

It is safe and doesn’t cause negative side effects, however, if you’re allergic to ingredients it’s best to avoid this product.

Turbo slim capsules usage instructions

  • Don’t consume if you are less than 18 years old.
  • If you have any severe condition, it is best to consult a doctor.
  • If you have any allergies, it is best to consult a doctor.
  • Discontinue using Turbo slim capsules majestic if adverse reactions occur and consult a doctor.
  • Consult a physician or qualified professional before taking fat burning supplements.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • This product is not intended for consumption by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • You must weigh yourself first before you start taking fat burning supplements to measure the results.
  • Improper storage conditions, such as prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, high temperature, and humidity, can lead to product spoilage over time.

You may also like Turbo Slim Capsules For Weight Loss

Turbo slim reviews

One customer reviewed “Love this product. Easy to take and helped get my body fat down. It takes a few months, but this product does work, and the price is hands down the best I have ever found.”

Ask about our Turbo slim capsules majestic offers at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Beauty Expert, by contacting us on the following numbers:

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Reviews (21)

21 reviews for Turbo slim capsules majestic for slimming body and fat burning – 36 capsules

  1. محمود منير (verified owner)

    حابب اشكرك على سرعة الاوردر جالي في نفس اليوم والمندوب محترم جدا ربنا يباركلك

  2. عبده قوره (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  3. محمد السيد عليوة (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  4. Eslam Mosad (verified owner)

    متابعتكوا معايا هايله و كمان المنتج حلو جدا بجد

  5. Shady Magdy (verified owner)

    انا عايزه اشكرك جدا جدا عشان بجد مشوفتش حد صادق زيك وامين

  6. بدر الدين فاروق (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  7. Mohamed Hegazy (verified owner)

    المنتج كويس بس اتأخر شوية

  8. إسلام بسيوني زيدان (verified owner)

    المنتج زي الفل واصلي وانا اللي اسف طبعا من البدايه بس غصب عني اتخدعت كتير شكرا ليكم

  9. أمل أحمد (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  10. Ahmed Salama (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  11. رفاء الشرباصي (verified owner)

    انا من اقدم عملائكم وكل مره فعلا بكون مبسوط وانا بتعامل معاكم

  12. باسل نتالتن (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  13. محمد عشيري (verified owner)

    ممتاز جدا وشحن سريع وممتاز الجودة

  14. Soha Ali (verified owner)

    حلو وشركه جميله تسلمو بجد

  15. omar saraya (verified owner)

    منتج رائع! يتوافق تمامًا مع المعايير والصفات الموضحة الموضحة على الملصق

  16. Theodora Georg (verified owner)

    فيه تأخير في الرد

  17. زينب عوض (verified owner)

    بحثت كثيرا في النت ووجدت انها افضل خيار كميتها ممتازة

  18. اليڤيرا الروماني (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  19. محمد رأفت (verified owner)

    مفيد جدا للجسم بصراحة تجربتى معاه هايلة

  20. احمد علاء الدين (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  21. سحر بهاء الدين (verified owner)

    الجودة رائعه و المكونات غنية عن التعريف

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